nedjelja, 28. listopada 2012.

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over..

I'm not anything special, but I loved you madly. 

"I move these clouds because a lot of tears, heart quit, but still hear your footsteps, because I'm not even blame you, last night said the city is that we're both wrong." 

"Sada moram da te zaboravim, i zivot bez tebe nastavim, od mene priznajem jace je to, u srcu mom si bio i ostao. Zeljela sam ljubav ti si mi je dao, voljela sam te i ti si to znao, htjela sam tebe ko ni jednog prije,  odlazim, a volim te"  

četvrtak, 25. listopada 2012.

that feeling when you can't trust anyone :/

"Upoznaš ga. Nasmijava te svaki dan, dopisujete se po cijele dane, postaješ ''ovisnik'' o fb-u samo zbog njega. A onda, nestane, nestane sve.U glavi ti ostaju samo njegove ''riječi''. Za nekoliko tjedana, želiš vratiti vrijeme, želiš mu se javiti. Svaki dan ti sve više nedostaje, al ponos je jači! Nakon nekog vremena opet se pojavi. Čini ti se da će uskoro sve biti kao prije, ali ne, on opet nestane,sve opet nestane. Plačeš, skrivaš suze. Mrziš što ga voliš i dalje, niko ne razumije tvoje ponašanje, oči su ti uvijek pune suza. Želiš ga naći, želiš pričati sa njim, želiš ga zagrliti, razmišljaš o svemu. Misliš: ''Neka, i ovo je dugo trajalo, možda je ovako bolje.'' Ne želiš tako misliti, želis da te ne zaboravi, da te se sjeća, da jednog dana kaže: ''Nedostaje mi, želim je vidjeti.'' Sjetis se kako je sve bilo na početku, sjetis se prve poruke, sjetis se prvog ''ej'' na chatu, sjetis se svega, sve želiš natrag. Ali ne, on ne želi. On je daleko, daleko od tebe. On ne misli na tebe, on te zaboravlja, njemu je dobro. Ti si u njegovom životu bila samo stranica koju je pročitao i ne želi se vraćati na nju, boli te pomisao na to. Svaki dan sebi obećaš: ''Neću više plakati.'' Ali ne, moraš! Previše je lijepo bilo da bi se zaboravilo. Sjećanje ostaje, uspomene ostaju. Zauvijek.. ♥ " 

ponedjeljak, 22. listopada 2012.

do you know that feeling when people hate you just because you love him?

Znaš onaj savršen osjećaj kada voliš osobu četiri mjeseca svim srcem,svaki dan o njoj razmišljaš,svaku misao posvetiš njoj,cijelo vrijeme ju držiš u glavi,a svijestan si da ju za sada nemožeš imat.i onda dođe taj dan,sretneš ju na ulici ona ti se nasmješi,izgovori tvoje ime,a tebi srce zadrhti ko nikad u životu.i onda jednostavno se svi osjećaji vrate i dođe taj tren i ono ''oćeš bit samnom?'' ono kad trčiš po sobi i skačeš od sreće,što napokon imaš tako savršenu osobu uz sebe i što si joj blizu,što je samo tvoja i kada grliš sve oko sebe jer ti je uljepšala dan.zapamtiš taj datum.i onda dođe dan kada se osoba pred tobom pojavi i pogle te pogledom (ko si ti?) a ti drhtiš od sreće i strepnje da ju vidiš a onda pored tebe samo hladno prođe kao da te ni nepozna.molim? oke,misliš da je to ''sramota'' ipak je prvi put.daš joj drugu šansu i nadaš se onom ''boljem sutra i treća sreća''.ali se tradicija nastavlja.ulicom dok prolaziš streljaju te pogledi fufica koji ti govore da se makneš od te osobe.zovu te na mobitel,prijete ti,ogovaraju te i pljuju,vrijeđaju i ismijavaju i to sve pred tvojojm voljenom osobom.osječaš se ko najveće govno jer ti si osoba niže klase i nisi dostojna da budeš s takvom ''facom'' u društvu.ocijenjuju te po izgledu jer nisi dovoljno lijepa kao oni,nemaš ogromne sise i guzicu i ne preseravaš se na ulici i neželiš bit centar pažnje da svi bulje u tebe i da te svi imaju.da,ali ja opet imam osjećaje.možda nemam sve to,ali imam jedno a to je moj faking osječaj prema toj osobi koju OBOŽAVAM I VOLIM IZ SVEGA SRCA,ali samo te iskorišttavaju de stignu jer shvate da si naivna i da ćeš nasjest i past na te ''čarobne'' riječi ''ljubavi,volim te ti si mi jedina''.de molim te.svaki dan te promatra,ismijava u društvu a kad je ta osoba sama bez promatrača bez ikog kome če pokazat da je ''faca'' šta onda? onda si mu i ti dobra onda je sve super,jel da? I opet nasjednše i misliš si pa gle,ona se stvarno promjenila.više nije kao prije a tvoji pravi prijatelji ti govore,makni se od njega,glup je,ženskaroš je,nije te vrijedan,nije vrijedan tvojih suza,ali tebe to nije briga jer ti srce kaže VOLIM GA! a ti opet kreneš za tom riječju i padneš u zamku.svako veče dolaziš rasplakana kući,plačeš po cijele dane,želiš isplakati dušu od jada i muke jer ti je ta osoba sve,sve bi za nju dao i očekuješ da će se desit neko ''čudo''kakvo mrtvo čudo?! neželiš ju molit za ljubav samo želiš da te voli i poštuje ko i ti nju ali to nikad ne dobiješ nazad zauzvrat.osječaš se ko najveće govno.slušaš tužne pjesme u svakoj pronalaziš vas dvoje,plačeš i kriviš sebe za sve dok tu osobu nije briga jer misli da može imat svaku drugu osobu koju hoće,ali neće ga niti jedna isto voljeti.jednom se prevari u životu opčeš se kao nikada do sada.i znaš da se igra tvojim osječajima ali opet sjedneš na isti trik jer si naivna budala.posvetiš mu sve,daš mu sve ali i to nije dovoljno.ništa nije nikad dovoljno.neznaš šta da radiš,da se ubiješ? i ono kada boga pitaš ''bože zašto si me stvorio? zbog čega sam ja ta.kada žališ dan kada si ga upoznala i počela nešto više.kada žališ dan rođenja i sve što si svima ''naudila''.kada pokušavaš samu sebe lagat da ga više nevoliš a bez njega nemožeš.visiš na njegovom profilu svaki dan,puca te ljubmora ali ćuvaš svoj ''PONOS''! svoj ponos koji ti je uzeo i napravio kukavicu od tebe.kada te ljudi ismijavaju zbog njega a ti samo što se ne rasplačeš.da,u tolko malo vremena dovoljna je jedna ''voljena osoba'' da ti cijeli život promjeni,zatvori te,osramoti te i ponizi.da to očito jesam zaslužila,ali htijela sam na neki drugi način.barem malo pažnje jer me svaka osoba mjenja i gubim svaku druug osobu.uništavanje života je najbolja osveta za ljubav koju joj pružiš i ispačeš sve što ste ''prošli'' ali opet to ostaje u tebi.mutavog ponosa nema,nema više ni iste osobe.jer se raspada od svakog udarca kad ti ga voljena osoba da.i briga me hoće mi se rugat što plačem ali ja se borim za ono što volim ali kad shvatim da se taj neko opire jednostavno dignem ruke pustim suze i pustim da me život uništi do kraja jer se sa pola srca i pola duše nemožeš borit do kraja a još ti srce ponavlja VOLIŠ GA!♥

subota, 20. listopada 2012.


 As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back. 


utorak, 16. listopada 2012.

just past, the old page of life.

'' That's it, and you have gone, but certainly want to get some, but by no means think that you're explaining, explaining that he had to be such that it does not belong to you, and that all begins .. You're seeing and thinking, 'She loves long, I love you more', you know I would give anything for him and would appreciate it more than she could give everything to you in its place, but it did not, the smell is the fact that it belongs to her , not you and you're selfish, very selfish and stingy, do not want it, you want to lie to your and others when they ask you about it, you say you're happy for them, but in the depths of my soul want to say that you're happy you've got someone so , the best guys.. I think, the best.. Best for you, because still the best for us is what we choose ourselves. Others might not see anything in it, or maybe she does not see it, but you see my whole world and everything revolves around staih habits.. I said, you have, so you do not have. You get that all the love, all the best you got, you got what you need, you got it all heart and FIND it, others do not see, but you see it and it is vital, it's what you feel and what he feels and then.. Your heart beats stronger because it is not the same, my heart hurts, and just because someone selfishly depart from you, steals a part of you and you do not return it to you, ever, and it will forever belong to him. Right, really selfish? Take away everything with you, and even that part and do not return it, ever .. That's why you'll never be the same, youll miss that part. And maybe you pass, maybe not, but you'll probably a year or two even sit and see the man slicbog it, you might cut the same voice or recognize a similar his eyes, maybe even you and a bunch of people felt the smell, oh yes, there's the key. . It can take years, but they will not bring oblivion, because all it is not forgotten, it's time we just help us forget for a while. Hear me, remember? Oh, who am I lying? Do not forget, we remember forever, alo time simply helping us, I do not know how, but it helps, or so I heard, and I began vnerovati it and now you believe me when I say that it helps, but believe me when I tell you that you do not do anyone help you cope with that moment when you see it, when you all return.. Do not give up, your head up, breathe and go, keep those tears, send them to hell over, holding the baby! Get a grip honey. Drop your feelings aside, sit and ask yourself, does it make sense to continue to dream and hope that he is? This story has no happy end. He's a good actor, but you're not born to be his way station, where it will rest, and move on, without looking like you are looking for him. Loving, keep your head up and look at the sky. God sends you a sign. Give up on it until you fell even deeper. You'll forget him. You will, honey! Trust me.''

"With you I've always had the best, now I have left the worst, I'm used to and I find it difficult to fall asleep I have no peace with you, with you I dreamed you were flown beautiful late I realized the time I came back to fix it all I love and cherish like none before .. I still love you. comes back again to "

srijeda, 10. listopada 2012.


 Do you ever feel so fucking stupid? It's like, everything you want, you have it. But still, you're jelaous as fuck and you want all the attention..And you hate yourself. I mean, you've got it all, you have friends who would give their lifes for you, you've got boyfriend who loves you so much, after all this time. You've got the family, everybody is perfectly healthy, and there's no violent or other problems. You're healthy, you're smart, you've got the good grades, you're not stupid, you have your talents. You're not ugly, your family is not rich, but still, they give you everything you want. Your older sister and brother adore you. You have a home, and thank God there's no threat that your family is goin' to lose it. Basically, you've got something which is the closer thing to perfect life. AND STILL, after all're jelaous when your friends say they love somebody else, you're jelaous when you see their facebook statuses, messages. And still, you're so damn fuck up, you feel fucked up for no reason, you stopped counting days your tears didn't hit the floor. All you wanna do is be depressed for the whole time, but actually you don't want that, you want your friends to see you're sad and ask you what's wrong. And they do. They really do. But you want more, MORE AND MORE! You remember the days you had so much fun, when you were that silly kid who laught the whole time. And you miss those days, cause you didn't really change, you're just started to be a whore attention instead. And you don't wanna keep doing this don't wanna be this kind of person. The problem is, it's really hard to go back..You try and try, you're okay during the day, but when the night comes, you're starting to be a attention whore again. You cry again, no matter what you said and how you felt two hours before. And you really don't know what to do can't go on this way anymore. You don't want to go on this way anymore. All you can do, is try again..and again. Cause you are the selfish, jelaous motherfucker who wants to be the fucking star of the show. And when you realize you can't, you're mad! And then, you still try..and try..and try..You cry cry alot. But what can you do? I guess, it's those teen years. I guess it will be better..or am I just so fucked up, and no one can't help me? I don't know. I'm just confused..